Sunday, May 19, 2019

Warning! Fraud! Fraud!! Fraud!!!

Why is this school still exists? This fraud has been happening for years and all the authorities are keeping their mouths closed!!

Biggest Education Fraud!!

Why I regret of coming to The Otomotif College, Malaysia.

         I write this blog with the reference to the above-mentioned matter. I was waiting for 1 year expecting that the things will change but it is the time to open my mouth and stop this money oriented business, which ruins the future of the younger generation.

  • The irresponsibility of the staff members was clearly noticeable from the very first day. I arrived in Malaysia on 11th November 2016 at around 6:30 am (+8.00 GMT) on Malindo Airlines flight OD 186. I emailed my travel itinerary (as requested) to my admission counsellor who appeared as Ms Joey Gan. TOC clearly knew about my arrival and they were supposed to get the clearance from Immigration at the airport. It was my first time in Malaysia and obviously, I didn’t have a Malaysian phone connection. I proceeded towards Immigration since I was supposed to meet a representative from the college at the immigration counter. As I went to the immigration counter I got to know that there was no-one presented from TOC at the counter. I was able to send a message (Using Airport WiFi) to my counsellor (Who is the only person that I had contact details of) and she replied me back after 30 mins with the contact details of Mr Fadzil Ahamed. I was waiting around 2 hours until Mr Fadzil reaches the airport and I was questioned by security personnel since I was loitering around Immigration counters. Please see the pictures below for confirmation of the scenario.

  • On the same day, TOC handed me a map with an address and asked me to go there for my mandatory health check-up. I was unaccompanied for the health check-up as well but with developed technology, I was smart enough to type in the address on Uber and I was able to complete mandatory health check-up. These scenarios are highly unacceptable and there are heaps of these kind scenarios that I can point out.
  • Most of the time lecturers discuss sexual pleasures rather than teaching about Automotive! Refer the video, 

  • There is no faith in the exam results that we receive, as grades are depending on the fact whether the lecturer likes you or not. Mr Mohammad Izzat is a highly reputed and respected among students and he posted a photograph (see the photo below) on Facebook stating that he was forced by a lecturer to adjust marks to turn a failed student into a passed student. Please note that photograph doesn't contain Mr Izzat’s Facebook details due to inability to capture both name and the caption but you can always inquire him about this matter as he is no longer working in TOC.

  • It is pointless to explain about a typical day at the school. Most of the time all the students are sleeping because nothing is going on in the class. Let the video clips do the talking! Please refer to video,

  • Standards of the examinations in the college are hopeless. Most of the time students receive 70% of the questions on the day before the exam. Sometimes the whole paper is distributed among students as it is. Please refer the pictures below,

  • Exams are conducted without any scrutiny. Students have the freedom of using mobile phones. Please refer the images below,

  • Exams are so suspicious and the student can’t predict any outcome. For instance; the Whole batch of 1611 intake did face the same exam, at the same time, in the same venue but only students of one particular instructor were able to pass the exam. Refer the images,

  • Unethical practices of marketing the college. TOC offers a bribe of RM500 for successful referral which is highly unethical for an educational institution.

  • College doesn't have any standard procedures regarding training. Furthermore, college doesn't have any communication between their departments. For instance, Academic department of TOC approved us to do SIT (Supervised Industrial Training) in Sri Lanka. After arranging everything (Flight tickets, Training venues) by ourselves in Sri Lanka; Student Office of TOC said it is not possible to do SIT in Sri Lanka. Please refer the audio clip A and the agreement that we were asked to sign.

  • I saved the best fraud for last. The final exam for the first academic year is known as Trade Test. It supposed to be the exam to evaluate student’s knowledge and academic performance. The exam is projected to a screen and lecturers give hints about correct answers because everybody knows that student’s knowledge is poor after wasting 1 years time for nothing. Last time they (TOC) put a full stop for every correct answer and wrong answers didn't have the full stop. Below pictures are some of the questions that I managed to get from a friend,

Following are the things that I have achieved after studying around 1 year in TOC;
  • I have spent 1 year’s time of my 20’s for nothing, which could have been used for a useful purpose. 
  • I have spent around RM36,000.00 of my parent’s money for tuition fees (Please refer pictures X and Y).
  • I have spent around RM8,200.00 of my parent’s money for accommodation fees (Please refer pictures in Folder Z).
  • I have spent around RM4,500.00 of my parent’s money for Air tickets.
  • I haven’t gained any qualifications or expertise in my field of study.

Malaysia has been a great country to me and I was always welcomed by warm-hearted Malaysians. Institutes like TOC are “black marks” for Malaysian education sector as it doesn’t reflect any control of quality or standards. These kinds of institutes will not promote education in Malaysia and obviously, International students would not be encouraged to study in Malaysia. Providing education for an affordable price is exceptional but maintaining quality is important as any of the students in TOC, don't deserve to get this kind of low-end education. Moreover, TOC doesn’t deserve to educate International students, in fact, any student as they are incompetent to do so. 
I don’t prefer to follow a lengthy and complex legal procedure as I’m confident that my issue will be justified through EMGS and other relevant authorities. I suggest that EMGS and all other relevant authorities should personally inquire students about the college. Furthermore, you should perform a sudden inspection to confirm more facts about these misconducts, and I’m confident that you will find more issues and evidence. 

My demands to TOC on this issue are as follows;

  • I demand that these types of frauds/misconduct should not happen in the future. Gambling with someone’s future is completely unacceptable and people who are doing so should be penalized. I guess TOC should come under the heavy scrutiny of EMGS and MQA in the future. This will help to protect future students from these kinds of frauds. 
  • I demand that I should receive a refund for my expenses (Tuition fees, Accommodation fees and Air Ticket) as a compensation for the time I spent in TOC which has been an utterly useless year of my life. 
  • I demand that I should receive an official transcript to compensate for mental torture and stress I received from wasting my time at TOC.  

-Please note that “TOC” is referred to businesses/institutes which are registered as “The Otomotif College Sdn. Bhd.”, “TOC International Sdn. Bhd.”, “TOC Holdings Sdn. Bhd.” or any other similar variations. I was tempted to use term “TOC” as I am not sure to which institute that I have enrolled as I was forced to pay fees into two different bank accounts.-

There are lots of local students and several international students, who decided to leave college as they were fed up with the situation at TOC. They were not encouraged to report to anyone as they were simply exhausted with the TOC system and most of them lack the strength to do so. Being a legitimate and altruistic person, I had to take an action to protect myself, current students and future students from being victims of this fraud which ruins the image of Malaysian Education. Therefore, please be kind enough to intervene into this matter and help me to attain the justice I deserve.